Eye Candy for Sailors, Part 6
RUSSELL lowers a small boat (as viewed from USS MOMSEN).

An engineering Chief Petty Officer emerges from under the foundation of one of the ship's main engines after performing a cleanliness inspection.

A Military Sealift Command Puma lowers a pallet of fresh fruits and vegetables onto RUSSELL's flight deck.

The photo of the main engine inspection has stirred up some fond memories of closing out the sanitary tank on my old boat. Of course, I don't think I came out with a smile.
V/R LT Nixon
Oh, I know. As a former DCA I've seen the inside of more CHT and ballast tanks than I care to remember.
I bet I've seen way more tanks of all kinds than both of you put together, including two separate inspections of tanks on Saratoga. Those tanks were freakin' big!
And XO, I can tell you that not keeping up with preservation in your bilges can mean a longer stay in the yards, especially when the system breaks down and eats through to the ocean side. I've made a decent living patching holes and replacing shell longitudinals and web frames the past few years. As a matter of fact, we were clad welding in a fuel tank Friday, and had to use the small DC plugs we always carry to keep the tank from filling full of water. Not to fear though, because by Saturday night, the leak was welded up and watertight.
These are awesome pics, Mr XO. My dad says the most uncomplaining and heroic sailors on the carriers were the guys that would brave the sewer and all its contents to go fix clogged or leaking pipe. His opinion, anyway, and I'm sure others are probably of the same.
Looking at that picture, it looks like you've got to be way too skinny to fit into those inspection spaces. I'd never make it.
Is that something that they just get the little guy to do, or does everyone have to face that challenge?
Jim C
Frequently the "little guy" gets tapped to do it, but if it was your job, you figured out a way to get in no matter how big you were.
Permission to come aboard sir...
Discovered your blog thr LT Nixon's rant and was happy to see a little bit of the Navy represented. Like the educational aspect too.
My son was a GSE on AEO-10, which lasted about as long as he did in the Navy. He's now a "nuke" at Bremerton et al, and I hear less an less about what he does at work.
I hope the enlisted crew will get with the program because their perspective is important as well.
Look forward to learning more from your blog in the future. A 24' rooster tail -- impressive!
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